Pequeno Príncipe qualifies health professionals to perform all over Brazil

Every year, the Hospital receives more than one thousand students and professionals looking for qualification

Teaching Pediatrics is in Pequeno Príncipe Hospital's DNA. Since the beginning of its activities, over 100 years ago, the institution has been committed to qualifying new professionals and sharing knowledge, with the understanding that this is an broaden way of promoting the health of children and adolescents all over the country.

Only in the medical residency program, which began in the 1970's, 130 new pediatricians and specialists graduate every year. "Our residency is one of the most wanted in Brazil," states Victor Horácio de Souza Costa Junior, the institution's educational coordinator.

Along with the residency program, the Hospital also trains Medical students from universities in Curitiba, such as Positivo University, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) and Pequeno Príncipe College, which is a part of Pequeno Príncipe Complex.

"In the third and fourth year of the Medical degree, the students have hands-on classes here and are always accompanied by a mentor. For the fifth year, we offer clinical rotations, which is the mandatory internship in the training, where the student is under a doctor's direct supervision. For the students who have already graduated, we offer specialization courses, as well as residency," explains the coordinator.

Residencies and specializations

Since Pequeno Príncipe offers assistance in 32 different medical specialties, completing the residency at this institution means developing a wider perspective in children’s and adolescents’ health. “That’s our biggest differential. In the three years of pediatric residency, the doctors can cover all subspecialties with a high volume of patients. This enables them to leave the Hospital with confidence to work within general Pediatrics in places where there aren’t subspecialties,” highlights Costa Junior.

The institution is also a pioneer by offering a pediatric residency program that is extended to three years. Along with other major educational centers in the country, such as the University of São Paulo (USP), the new and more complete curriculum was implemented in 2014. In addition to this program, the Hospital offers residencies in 14 other subspecialties and specialization programs in five areas.

The professionals who have graduated here over the years are now all over Brazil, improving medical care for children and adolescents,” the coordinator added.

One of these professionals is physician Enaira Rocha. Originally from Boa Vista, in Roraima, where she studied Medicine, she came to Pequeno Príncipe for her residency in Pediatrics because it was a highly regarded service. “When I concluded my residency in Pediatrics, I decided to specialize in Pediatric Nephrology, also in Pequeno Príncipe,” shared Enaira.

After completing her studies, she returned to the Northern Region of Brazil in 2017 and now works in Boa Vista, Roraima, and Manaus, Amazonas. “It’s a very different reality from the Southern Region, where Pequeno Príncipe is located. Here we have a considerable amount of pediatricians, but we still don’t have enough specialists and multidisciplinary staff. Our structure for exams and treatments is also smaller. In this sense, my training in Pequeno Príncipe was essential for my career, because I had access to rare and complex cases and followed different types of therapies. All of this allowed me to act with more confidence today,” she emphasized.

The exchange of information with Pequeno Príncipe’s professionals continues, even after concluding her education. “I’ve referred patients to Pequeno Príncipe and, whenever I have to discuss a case, I know I have the support of my teachers,” said Enaira.

Pequeno Príncipe College

Since 2003, the Pequeno Príncipe Complex includes Pequeno Príncipe College, that offers undergraduate programs in Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Biomedicine and Psychology as well as specializations, masters and doctorate programs, multiprofessional residencies and extension courses. It is one of the most important institutions in the country dedicated exclusively to health education. Annually, it receives over 1,500 students.

To learn more about the Pequeno Príncipe College, please access:

"Criança 2020" – International Pediatric Specialties Meeting

The International Pediatric Specialties Meeting, held every five years, is another Pequeno Príncipe initiative that contributes to training professionals. In its fifth edition, it will be the largest Pediatric multispecialty event in Brazil and will be held between the 22nd and 26th of May in Curitiba, Paraná.

The program includes presentations, conferences, round tables, interactive sessions, panels and the discussion of clinical cases with national and international guests. Speakers from nine countries, such as the United States, France, Canada, and England, have already been confirmed.

To learn more, please access:


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