Keeping vaccination up to date is crucial for children’s health

Specialist warns that routine vaccines are essential in this pandemic period

Recently, the world has turned its attention to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the need to protect itself from this agent that has caused so many deaths worldwide. The social distancing measures recommended by most governments are being increasingly followed by the population, in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus.

Given this situation, many families are in doubt about how to proceed in relation to the vaccines that should be taken by children, especially in the first year of life, when the calendar provides for a greater number of vaccines.

The pediatrician of Pequeno Príncipe Hospital and coordinator of the institution’s Vaccine Center, Heloísa Ihle Garcia Giamberardino, warns that it is necessary to keep the vaccination card up to date. “Families need to remember that other diseases will not disappear because of the coronavirus. This is not the time to let our guard down. All we don’t need at the moment is more cases of measles, meningitis, whooping cough and other diseases that can be prevented with vaccination. The flu vaccine (Influenza) is just as important as the others,” she warns.

Aware of the families’ fear, many vaccination centers are adopting strategies to avoid crowding in the waiting room. At the Pequeno Príncipe Vaccine Center, for example, preferential passwords are being distributed for routine vaccines. In addition, an exclusive schedule for vaccinating children under one year of age was adopted. “All centers that work with vaccines are adapting to provide families with more security,” emphasizes the doctor.

It is important to contact the vaccine center chosen by the family to find out about peak times and try to avoid them. Once in the waiting room, the family should prefer environments that are ventilated.

In addition, Heloísa reinforces the need to maintain the hygiene care already recommended, not only for this time of pandemic. “If a child’s toy or blanket falls on the floor, it must obviously be cleaned before it is returned to the child. We have to be careful, but we don’t need to panic. With good sense and hygiene, we will overcome this moment,” she emphasizes.


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