Stay at home

Social distancing is the best way to protect and preserve health

Since the World Health Organization (WHO) decreed a pandemic due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and schools began to call off classes, the concern of many families has turned to children, who are now at home.

Adopting some specific measures at this time can help to protect the health – physical and mental – of the little ones and the whole family.

Follow some tips from the Pequeno Príncipe:

Plan the day
Schedule different activities for the children and share the planning with them. This helps to decrease anxiety.

Include moments to reinforce hand hygiene in your day by day activities. Choose a song together to mark that moment and to count the hand rubbing time, which should be at least 20 seconds.

Clean the toys
Wash toys with soap and water and keep it clean with 70% alcohol. If your family is in social distancing and no one touches toys again, there is no need to disinfect them daily. Clean as needed.

Keep the routine
Even without going to school, keep the routine. Try to wake the children up and offer meals at the times they are used to. If possible, include some outdoor activity in your schedule.

Don’t share objects
Even if everyone is healthy in the house, avoid sharing personal items such as cutlery and glasses. If your child uses bottle and/or pacifier, keep these items constantly cleaned.

Air the house
Open the windows to keep the rooms ventilated. Change bed and bath linens periodically. If someone has flu symptoms at home, if possible, keep that person in an isolated room, always using the same bed just for them and change sheets and bath clothes daily.

Stay at home
As much challenging as it is, stay home with the kids. This will protect their health and the entire family. If you really need to go out, once you get home, wash your hands with soap and water. Always maintain good hygiene habits.

Protect your nest
Remember that this pandemic will pass and your children will remember this moment. Build memories of companionship, fun and love.


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