In 20 days, Pequeno Príncipe Hospital performs seven kidney transplants

Number of procedures depicts the institution’s structure and the technical ability of its teams to handle highly complex cases

The year 2022 marked the resumption of solid organ and bone marrow transplants in Brazil, which reached the same levels as in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. In pediatrics, 583 procedures were performed.

At Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, the high point was the kidney transplants. Until the month of November, the number was below the average of previous years, with only eight procedures performed. However, as of December 13, several donations emerged and, in a period of just over 20 days (until January 9, 2023), the institution performed seven transplants.

“For a transplant to be carried out, great logistics are needed for the capture and transport of the organ and a whole structure with surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, ICUs – in short – a large structure is demanded. This number shows how prepared the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital is to handle highly complex cases,” says nephrologist Mariana Cunha.

Matheus Tavares Silva Cardoso, 3 years old, was one of the children transplanted during this period. His mother, Mônica Aparecida Silva Cardoso, says that she found out that he had a kidney problem during her pregnancy, in her city, in the inland of Goiás state. With just eight days old, he began peritoneal dialysis, but the scenario got worse and Matheus lost his kidney function, and then, he was transferred to Pequeno Príncipe to get ready for the transplant. The donation was very quick, and the boy’s recovery was excellent. “Now we have a new life,” celebrates Mônica.

World Kidney Day

In March, the World Kidney Day is celebrated. That is why Pequeno Príncipe has prepared a special material with guidelines for families (available only in Portuguese). To learn more, click here.

Transplants at the Pequeno Príncipe

In addition to the kidney transplant, Pequeno Príncipe performs the following procedures:

  • heart transplant;
  • liver transplant;
  • transplantation of heart valves;
  • bone transplant; and
  • bone marrow transplant.

See how some procedures are represented in the state of Paraná and in Brazil:

Considering the six types of transplants performed at Pequeno Príncipe, the institution performed a total of 275 procedures in 2022.

Rede Globo highlights the transplants at Pequeno Príncipe. Click below and watch.


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