Rare diseases may also require bone marrow transplants

Half of the transplants at the Pequeno Principe are performed in children who suffer from rare diseases

A single bone marrow donor saved the lives of twin brothers

Only three-years-old, twins Samuel and Daniel traveled over 3.000 km so they could be treated at the Pequeno Principe

Neonatal ICU turns 25

In 2016, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital turned 25. In this period, it achieved the mark of over 6,000 babies cared. Since 1991, the ICU treats complex cases involving extremely premature and newborns babies who need surgical treatment. Due to the high complexity of treatment, the healthcare team is multiprofessional and interdisciplinary, and is consisted of over a hundred collaborators who care for the patients in the 20 available beds at the unit

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