Transplants performed by Pequeno Príncipe Hospital transform lives

June 6 is World Transplant Day; 275 children and adolescents had their lives transformed at the Hospital in 2022 as a result of these procedures

At the end of 2022, little Nathan Francisco Rigo de Moura, aged 8, began to show the first signs that his heart was tired, when he fainted at school. The mother, Liliam Paula Ferreira Rigo started the search for the diagnosis in his hometown, Cascavel (state of Paraná), where they found that he had dilated cardiomyopathy. The boy was referred to Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, and due to the severity of the case, he was admitted to the ICU, and was included in the waiting list for a heart transplant. Twenty four days later, a compatible heart for the boy was donated.

“I have no words to express my happiness, seeing how well he is today, makes everything worthy. All treatment was performed by the SUS, and the service was wonderful. Now we are going to stay for the next few months at the Support House, so that he has all the support he needs. If I could say something, it would be: donate organs, encourage this attitude, because it is for the greater good,” highlights Liliam.

Nathan is one of the children whose life was transformed after undergoing a transplant at the Pequeno Príncipe.

Structure for complex procedures

The Pequeno Príncipe Hospital performs kidney, liver, heart, cardiac valves, tissue, and bone marrow transplants. The practice began in the 1970s, with musculoskeletal tissue transplants. In 1989, the first solid organ transplant was performed: it was a kidney. Over the years, transplant services have been expanded and improved. In 2022, 275 transplants were performed.

The structure of ICUs, with 68 beds, the Surgical Center, with nine rooms, the availability of professionals from 35 medical specialties and the 24 diagnostic and treatment services with highly specialized teams offer an important backup, supporting these procedures. One of the highlights is the team of anesthesiologists, who have the expertise to conduct sedation in low-weight patients in long-term procedures.

Get to know the main features of each service

The performance of Pequeno Príncipe in transplants has an important impact on the regional and national scenario, with excellent survival results for patients.


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