There’s still time to allocate your Income Tax to Pequeno Príncipe

Individuals can allocate up to 3% of the Due Income Tax amount to be paid or refunded until May 31

Until May 31, individuals who declare income tax using the complete form can allocate up to 3% of the amount of Due Income Tax payable or refundable to the projects of Pequeno Príncipe, the largest exclusively pediatric hospital in Brazil. For those who have tax to pay, the amount donated to the Hospital is subtracted from the amount to be paid. In the case of tax to be refunded, the amount donated is added to the amount that the person must receive, duly adjusted by the Selic interest rate.

Although essential for institutions that offer care for children and adolescents, such as Pequeno Príncipe, this type of support is still unknown to the majority of the population. Federal Revenue figures show that only 3.15% of the collection potential is actually performed. In 2020, the modality raised US$ 51.2 million, but the amount could exceed US$ 1.6 billion, if there was greater adherence by taxpayers.

Where does the donated amount go?

Resources destined for Pequeno Príncipe are directed towards various projects approved in the funds for childhood and adolescence. One of these projects is Full Health (Saúde Integral, in Portuguese), which contributes to guaranteeing the fundamental rights of children and adolescents, through quality and humanized healthcare, associated with medical, psychosocial, dental care, educational, recreational, and cultural activities, and support for development of scientific research.

All initiatives are monitored by the rights councils and the Court of Auditors, which verify the correct use of resources and receive periodic rendering of accounts. The projects also undergo an independent audit contracted by the Hospital itself.

How to donate

The Pequeno Príncipe Hospital has prepared a step-by-step guide for individuals who wish to allocate their Due Income Tax to the institution, available only in English. Click here and check it out.


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